OVER 600 people turned out to perform a lap of honour in memory of Andover Athletics Club coach Craig Evans.

Family, friends, athletes and fellow coaches walked around the club’s Charlton based track to pay tribute to Mr Evans, who passed away suddenly while jogging on New Year’s Eve.

The event, which took place on Monday night, was kicked off by a starting gun and followed by a minute silence and then a minute of applause.

This was ended with a whistle, to represent Mr Evans’ love of football.

Chairman of Andover Athletics Club, Mark Bradford, said: “It was amazing how many people turned up.

“Many of us on the night said how honoured he would have been by the whole thing.

“He was a larger than life character who got on well with people which is why I think so many came out to pay their tributes.”

In attendance on the night were Mr Evans’ wife and children, who lead the walk around the 400 metre track.

Mr Bradford added: “They were absolutely thrilled by the turn out.

“They said afterwards how absolutely right it was to do something like this for Craig.”

The club are currently collecting card and letter tributes in a special box outside their club house.

All tributes will be passed on to Mr Evans’ family