THERE were new bowlers on the green for a club's ‘most successful’ open day yet.

Andover Bowling Club held an open day on Saturday, attracting 37 people looking to try the game.

Alongside five experienced bowlers, the majority of attendees were first-timers.

Coaches Lesley and Keith Taylor spent their time with as many people as they could, helping newcomers to improve their game.

Mayor of Test Valley, Councillor Carl Borg-Neal and mayoress Maria Neal joined in for a bowl with club president David Hamilton.

Mr Hamilton said: “We were very grateful to both Carl and our sponsors, Barchester Healthcare, for taking the time out of their busy schedules to join us.

“It was lovely to see so many new bowlers on the green.

The club hopes to attract new sponsors and continue growing its expanding membership.

Mr Hamilton said: “We are bucking the trend as every year we have more new members join.

“We are in a town that is truly growing and expanding. We hope to eventually reach all ages within the community.”

Open days like this are supported by Bowls England as a way to encourage people of all ages to try bowls. The organisation provides funding for the club to offer four free sessions for new beginners.

For more information visit the club’s website,