ALMOST £100k is up for grabs for artists to develop new public art trails for a pair of Andover communities.

Test Valley Borough Council (TVBC) is calling for experienced artists to apply for two new public art commissions at Picket Piece and Picket Twenty.

At Picket Piece, the artist will work with the community to create a bespoke artwork for the new development. The artwork will represent the results of creative workshops and be sited in a place where everyone can enjoy it.

The deadline to apply for the £27,000 commission is Monday, September 7.

At Picket Twenty, a £69,000 commission will result in an innovative and interactive art trail that celebrates movement. It will encourage children and adults to explore and engage with their surroundings and will culminate in a main piece of kinetic sculpture to be sited at the urban park.

The deadline for this commission is Monday, September 14.

Two public artworks have already been commissioned in partnership with Persimmon Homes for Picket Twenty. These include the bus route underpass mural and the well-known Stick Kid Bridge (pictured) above the A3093.

Councillor Phil North, leader of Test Valley Borough Council, said: “It is important that councils continue to invest in public art at a time when wellbeing and quality of life and the environment around us is coming into particular focus.

“In line with the council’s public art strategy all public art projects aim to involve the community and encourage consultation and participation to contribute towards the finished projects. The hope is that this ensures that residents and local stakeholders are fully involved in the creation of their environments and have a sense of ownership over the places in which they live.”

Funding for these commissions comes directly from Section 106 developer contributions which have been set aside specifically for public art.

Residents of either Picket Piece or Picket Twenty who would like to become involved in the process should contact Faye Perkins, TVBC Arts Officer, via

If you are an artist interested in finding out more about the projects go to