One hundred supporters flocked to a heart-warming Christmas carol concert at the Boaz Project, staged this year in an open-air barn.

The concert at the sheltered farm scheme for adults with learning disabilities featured a Salvation Army brass band from Andover and Barton Stacey Village Choir.

Members of the project enacted the traditional nativity story while the supporting cast included live animals - Boaz’s much-loved resident donkey and two sheep.

After a hearty singalong, mulled wine and mince pies added to the festive cheer. Despite Covid curbs and limited numbers, the ticket-only event on December 3 was still a “whole heap of fun,” said manager Stuart Palmer.

He thanked all the staff and volunteers who organised the carol concert, the first for two years.

A special collection and sale of hand-made gifts raised £500 for the Sutton Scotney based project which attracts members and volunteer helpers from Andover.

The Boaz Project is keen to recruit more volunteers.

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