AN ANDOVER man has been ordered to complete 40 hours of unpaid work after he stole six bottles of spirits.

Martin Shortell-Campbell, of River Way, stole the bottles worth £234 from Tesco on River Way on August 7.

He also failed to surrender to police / court bail at the appointed time on October 18.

The 40-year-old pleaded guilty to both charges during a hearing at Basingstoke Magistrates’ Court.

Shortell-Campbell also admitted to being in possession of crack cocaine in Andover on October 29, last year.

He was also told to complete up to 10 rehabilitation days and pay £234 compensation to the supermarket.

MAGISTRATES have disqualified an Andover man from getting behind the wheel after he failed to provide a specimen when asked to.

Daniel Shearer, of Boreway Close, was suspected to have committed a driving offence on July 13 and when asked to provide a specimen of breath for analysis he failed to do so without reasonable excuse.

He changed his plea to guilty during a magistrates’ court hearing and was disqualified from driving for 36 months.

The 39-year-old must also complete 135 hours of unpaid work and up to 10 rehabilitation days. He was also ordered to pay £350 court costs and a £114 victim surcharge.

A MOTORIST who was caught over the drink-drive limit in Andover has been disqualified from getting behind the wheel.

Alin-Adi Ciobanu, of Middleton Road, Salisbury, was stopped on South Street on November 19. He had 89 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath – the legal limit is 35.

During a hearing at Basingstoke Magistrates’ Court the 35-year-old admitted to the offence.

He was disqualified from driving for 22 months and fined £415. He must also pay a £166 victim surcharge and £85 court costs.