ANDOVER residents have expressed that they would love for the town to have its first cat café. 

As previously reported, young entrepreneur Jack Waue' is hoping to open Andover's first Cat-Fe, and we asked our readers for their thoughts. 

READ MORE: Cat cafe Andover: Teen determined to open venue but needs space

After taking part in Youth in Test Valley Awards last year, Jack has been receiving mentorship and sponsorship from New Street Dental Care in Andover.

Despite some difficulties with securing premises, Jack has remained determined to do all he can to ensure his dream will become a reality to benefit both homeless cats and the community. 

Community answers

Would you want Andover's first cat cafe to become a reality?

"Tell us what you think of Andover having its first cat cafe."

We asked for your responses - this is what you sent.

From Community contributor

Would you want Andover to have a cat cafe and why?My daughters would love this as they are cat mad, I can’t have furry animals at home due to allergies so this would be purrfect for the and they’ve been to the Romsey one and loved it

From Kara Wilson

Would you want Andover to have a cat cafe and why?I would love it…. My favourite animal is a cat, after visiting Romseys a more local one is ideal for people who do not have transport available to them. Good luck, I will be there often!

From Iris Anita Andersen

Would you want Andover to have a cat cafe and why?Jack this is a great idea, there are lots of people out there that want this to happen. There are so many people that love cats as they are very affectionate and loved to be cuddled And you have great determination to make this work, good luck Jack

From Maria Holloway

Would you want Andover to have a cat cafe and why?What an amazing idea! I love cats but can't have any due to working full time and my rental property being 'no pets allowed'. I am sure there are other people who are in the same situation. I would support this 100%