BROUGHTON Primary School has been granted a platinum award followings its recent grading under the School Games Mark award scheme.

The Stockbridge school is only the third of 56 in its School Games Organisers area to be awarded this level.

To achieve the platinum award, a school needs to have achieved Gold four times previously and be on track to achieve Gold again.

To do so, it requires satisfying a wide range of criteria that show how school games can make a meaningful difference to the lives of young people.

The criteria include delivering 60 active minutes in school games for every child, creating positive experiences for children that are designed with a clear intent, and supporting their competence, confidence and character development.

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Executive headteacher Lucy Macey said: “At Broughton Primary School, we take real pride in the breadth of our curriculum offer, and firmly believe in the power of games and sports to teach children many valuable lessons in life – about teamwork, about sportsmanship, and about how to respond to both success and failure.

“Our goal is to make sure that all the children who attend our school can participate in and enjoy this part of their education.”

Broughton’s School Games Organiser, Holly Shirley, from Test Valley, said: “Broughton Primary School provides an excellent example of determination, passion and enthusiasm. Despite being a small school, which is a barrier for some, they are fully engaged in the school games programme, providing positive and meaningful opportunities for all of their young people. They ensure the motivation, competence and confidence of their students at the heart of their planning and development for PE, school sport and physical activity.”