A VICTIM of a non-recent sexual offence in Andover has been commended by the police for her bravery in coming forward.

As previously reported, Adam Buckenham, 47, a former Andover town councillor, was sentenced to 15 years in prison after being found guilty of eight counts of rape and three counts of sexual assault.

The trial, which began on March 21 at Winchester Crown Court, revealed the harrowing details of the crimes committed by Buckenham between 2012 and 2018, when the victim was aged between 12 and 18.

The victim, now an adult, endured years of abuse at the hands of Buckenham, but her resilience and determination to seek justice brought her tormentor to account.

READ MORE: Former councillor Adam Buckenham jailed for raping a child

Detective Sergeant Steven Finnis, a member of Hampshire Constabulary's dedicated sexual assault investigation team, Operation Amberstone, praised the victim's bravery and acknowledged the immense strength it took for her to speak out.

He said: "I would like to commend her courage in speaking out and thank her for helping us make sure this awful case got to court."

Appearing before Salisbury Crown Court for sentencing on July 14, Buckenham was handed a 15-year prison sentence, accompanied by a five-year supervision order upon his release.

He will also be required to sign onto the Sex Offenders Register for life, ensuring that his actions are closely monitored even after serving his sentence.

DS Finnis said: “We take all allegations of sexual assault and abuse very seriously, and want victims to be confident that they will be heard and listened to, and their reports will be believed.

"I would encourage anyone has been victim of child sexual abuse, or if they know someone who has been impacted by child sexual abuse, to contact police on 101. They can speak with our specialist officers with confidence."

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Not everyone affected by sexual abuse has the confidence to report it to police.

But there are support services out there that can help you, completely independent of the police, should you need support.

You can also visit the Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary website for more information on where to seek independent support in your area: hampshire.police.uk