A SCHOOLGIRL whose great aunt died of cancer is raising money for charity in her memory by skipping 100 times a day throughout October.

Nine-year-old Ruby Pearce has challenged herself to skip 100 times every single day throughout the month to raise money for Cancer Research UK, in memory of her great aunt Cheryl Courtney, who died of cancer in November 2022.

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Ruby, a pupil at Portway Junior School, in Andover, said she loved her auntie “very much” and added: “I am doing this in memory of Cheryl and I would really like it if people could sponsor me please, because I want to raise some money for this charity.”

The little girl, from Appletree Grove, has already raised more than £100.

To donate, visit https://fundraise.cancerresearchuk.org/page/rubys-giving-page-20285.