TWO former Test Valley Borough Councillors have been made Honorary Aldermen.

Former councillors Dorothy Baverstock and Tony Ward were made Honorary Aldermen by Test Valley Borough Council, at a full council meeting on Wednesday, October 25.

Dorothy and Tony were recognised for their 'eminent' services to the council and the people of Test Valley.

When Dorothy was elected on May 1 2003, she had already spent many years serving Romsey and Romsey School as the deputy headteacher. 

Cllr Nick Adams-King addressed the council, saying a few words on both Dorothy and Tony. He said: "Dorothy has been a councillor for 20 years. Hailing from Yorkshire, she made Romsey her home.

"Dorothy, to my mind, has provided so much to the borough and to me personally, We spent eight years on the council together and she has been a fantastic friend to me and a fantastic advocate for Romsey and is all that is good about the town, and to my mind is deserving of the honour we are about to award.

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"Tony was a councillor for 16 years. His knowledge of the central part of the valley, and the amount of work he has done for his home of King Sombourne is unbounded and again so deserving of this honour."

Councillors spoke about the proposal, speaking highly of both Dorothy and Tony in a number of passionate speeches from current borough councillors.

Cllr Geoff Cooper said: "As one of the new councillors it can be quite daunting, coming in as I did on a by-election.

"I was very grateful to Dorothy for taking me under her wing and navigating those very early days, but also the generosity from Tony and I thank them both for welcoming me into the council.

"Those of us that walk political paths will know that we are not always the public favourite people, but I do try to remind people that most of us do it out of a sense of duty and wanting to better our community and leave it in a better shape than when we found it.

"I don't think anybody embodies that more than the two people receiving the honour today. Thank you for all of your service to the community."

The mayor, Cllr Philip Lashbrook added: "I feel privileged to be Mayor today and be able to bestow this tremendous recognition on two of our most outstanding councillors, with whom I have worked and have the greatest respect for."

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The council voted unanimously in favour of appointing both Dorothy and Tony as Aldermen, before a moment's applause from the room for the duo.

Dorothy Baverstock said: "I really did enjoy my 20 years as a councillor, and the thing is it's not all about me. I'm so grateful for all the help I have received over the years, and would also like to thank fellow councillors for all their help.

"It's been an amazing time and I would like my very last thank you to go to the residents of Test Valley. Without their support, you wouldn't get anywhere, so thank you very much."

Tony Ward said: "There has been a lot of praise and thanks, but I want to thank first of all the people that kept voting for me. We do not want to forget them, as we are here to serve them, and then we serve Test Valley afterwards.

"I'd also like to thank the council for giving me the opportunity to do something useful in my retirement. I really didn't fancy golf that much, and for me it was a wonderful opportunity to retire before starting to become a councillor.

"I've made some super friends, councillors and officers, and also had the opportunity to make some changes in the community. I fell in love with Test Valley the moment I arrived here from overseas and I wanted to keep it like that. It's still beautiful, so whatever we're doing, we're winning.

"I loved every minute of my time as a councillor, and I'm really honoured to be made an Alderman, so thank you very much."