MEMBERS of Test Valley Borough Council’s Refugee Resettlement Team are supporting vigils in Andover and Romsey on Saturday, February 24, to mark the second anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine by Russian forces.

The council will also be flying the Ukrainian flag on council buildings and lighting the Guildhall with Ukrainian colours from Thursday, February 22, for the duration of the weekend.

According to the council, 256 Ukrainian guests are still living in Test Valley, thanks to many residents of the borough, who have welcomed them into their homes and their lives.

The council’s resettlement team has provided a wide range of practical support, working with hosts and tenants and holding a range of events, including creative and family workshops, and regular drop-ins in both the Romsey and Andover areas.

READ MORE: New 18-month visa extension scheme for Ukrainians in the UK

Leader of the council, Cllr Phil North, said: “Two years on from Russia’s appalling invasion of Ukraine, we continue to show our care and support for our Ukrainian guests. Those who have arrived in Test Valley have quickly become important members of our community and I’d like to thank everyone who has helped welcome them to the borough and continues to support them.

"Ultimately, I hope that with the support of the international community providing military aid, Putin can eventually be defeated – and those that have come here get a chance to return home. In the meantime, I know they will continue to receive a warm welcome here in Test Valley.”

Volunteers in Romsey are holding a candle-lit vigil at 6pm in the Market Place in Romsey on February 24.

A similar event will be held at St Mary’s Church in Andover on Friday, February 23, between 4pm and 6pm.

All are welcome to attend and pay their respects, for those who have lost their lives, those who are still living with the conflict and those who have had to leave their homes.