A WOMAN killed an Andover man to take revenge against an alleged rape and for letting someone else steal her Pomeranian dog named Oblivion, a jury has been told.

Winter Swan-Miller is on trial at Winchester Crown Court charged with the murder of Stuart Maxwell Crocker, 62, who was found dead at The Signals, in New Street, Andover, on June 28, last year.

Police investigations found that veteran Mr Crocker might have been killed in the early hours of June 23, but was only discovered five days later when a neighbour phoned 999 concerned for his welfare.

Edward Jones, 44 of Lancaster Avenue in Walsall, is also charged in the case for helping Swan-Miller. Both have denied the charges.

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Prosecutor Nicola Shannon KC has told jurors that Swan-Miller committed the murder to take revenge against Mr Crocker for an alleged rape and what happened to her dog, according to bloodstained letters and notes left by her.

One of those chilling letters presented by the prosecution had lines like: “I killed Stuart Haha”; “he f*****g let my dog out”; and “I f*****g stabbed him”.

This letter, written very shortly after the murder, bore blood stains of Mr Crocker, according to the prosecution.

In the letter, Swan-Miller went on to detail the motive and that she was sat on the floor next to his body while writing as she talked about feeling sexually aroused by the situation, the prosecution said.

 “The fat git he raped me, scared me + l lost it takin my dog I told U I wud never allow that [SIC],” the letter read.

Ms Shannon told the jurors: “You might think this note speaks of revenge against Mr Crocker linked to alleged rape and what happened to her dog.

“The life they appear to have led together was chaotic and complicated – involving alcohol and drugs, and a circle of drugs associates whose lives focussed on getting their next fix and among whom tempers flared and mood varied along with fragile relationships.”

The prosecution also presented a more ‘personal note’, written in green ink which was left folded on Mr Crocker’s chest.

“In it, she included an admission and an explanation of why she had killed him,” Ms Shannon said.

“Although there are lots of partial sentences and references, at one point it says this: 'PIGS – I did this cus the scum raped bought sold me +destroyed me mentally, sexually + physically so I killed this one as a fuckin statement’."

In another letter, the prosecution said, Swan-Miller wrote: “Seriously fucked up and killed someone.”

The prosecution said Swan-Miller wrote in another note that she had also choked Mr Crocker.

This note read: “I can’t believe I stabbed him 2 death in the throat the back on the neck all the body then I choked him with my LV bag… Haha Oblivion was rollin in his blood [SIC].”

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The court also heard from the prosecution how Swan-Miller packed her bags and left the flat with her dog, hours after the murder.

Ms Shannon said Swan-Miller also made a number of TikTok videos that morning after the alleged murder.

The trial continues and is expected to last more than two months.