I'VE tried, I really have tried, but I have to accept that I have left it too late, and I am not, (and never will be), a rebel. I don’t have a particular ‘Cause’, and I’d like to think I am receptive to different points of view - without being spineless. I feel that constructive debate leads to a higher possibility of harmonious relationships.

But, in the last few months, I have noticed an increasing trend, amongst some groups, in proclaiming that their ‘personal theory’ is ‘fact’. It no longer seems to be necessary for these individuals to be truthful, or provide evidence to support their statements, and the membership of these groups is self-selecting, based on their opinions.

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It goes further. It seems that anyone with a different opinion, is, in their eyes, automatically wrong, and a suitable target for attack, both verbal and physical.

What has happened to the idea of debate, do we no longer feel that there is merit in talking to someone who has a different opinion? Is it not possible that sometimes we might be persuaded by the argument, and therefore change or modify our own views? Am I am talking about Eco Warriors on the M25, Covid Vaccination Conspiracy Theorists everywhere, or any of the other headline seeking groups that demand attention? Whilst the media circus of the world turns the focus to Paris in a few weeks’ time, can we expect more unsubstantiated claims vying for publicity.

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I have juggled my job and home life, and made many sacrifices up front to secure a stable future, so now I'm really tired of hearing wealthy sportsmen, entertainers and politicians of all parties, talk like their opinions matter to the common man. I’m tired of any of them even pretending they can relate to the life that I have.

In the past, I may have been guilty of ignoring some facts that did not fit in with my ideas, but now I am more inclined to listen to, and understand the thoughts of others. So please continue trying to convert me to the ‘Rebel Alliance’, but show me your evidence and please respect that I may have a different point of view.

Yes, I may be old, but try to see this as a wealth of experience.