ANDOVER College construction students were treated to a site visit at PAH Building & Construction's Amesbury project in Boscombe Down.

This forms part of PAH's commitment to nurture the next generation of builders in light of forecasts indicating the need for 250,000 additional construction workers by 2028.

The students, fully suited in hard hats, high vis vests and safety boots, were guided around the construction site, discussing career opportunities in the sector and the corresponding skills.

READ MORE: School selects student leaders to act as role models for younger pupils

Andover Advertiser: Students were told about the various job opportunities within the sectorStudents were told about the various job opportunities within the sector (Image: : PAH Building & Construction)

Business development manager at Sparsholt College Group, Graham Ayrton, said: "A big thank you to the PAH Building & Construction team for hosting our T-Level Onsite Construction students at their Amesbury project site.

"Our students came back with a much clearer picture on how their futures could look.

"To have access to such a diverse mix of construction insights with a site so close by is invaluable and stepping outside of the classroom for a practical job like construction is key."

Director of PAH Building & Construction Ltd, Mark Cuttriss, said: "Construction is the foundation of everything in the building industry and that is why it is so important for us to do our bit in educating the next generation.

"It was certainly encouraging to see how enthusiastic the students were on the day and to have a great group of men and women asking questions on how they can further their prospects in construction.

"It was a pleasure to show the students around the site and hopefully, in the future, we will see some familiar faces working at PAH."