A RECYCLING company, which has been operating illegally on a former timber yard site has been told not to continue its operation.

Test Valley Borough Council rejected a retrospective planning application submitted by SO Recycling, which has been occupying the site in Newbury Hill, in Penton Mewsey, since September 2022.

The land was previously occupied by Penton Sawmills, which closed in November 2019.

In October 2022 planning enforcement officer Steve Payne warned the site’s owner that planning permission was needed for an office building that was being used by the company.

READ MORE: Retrospective plans for old sawmill site criticised over 'disruptive' HGV journeys

Andover Advertiser: Former Penton Sawmills siteFormer Penton Sawmills site (Image: Google Street View)

The only lawful use of the site was as a sawmill and a condition existed on the original permission precluding any other use.

The businesses later lodged a retrospective application to change the use of the former timber yard to a general industrial/storage and distribution site.

However, the council denied the application last week due to concerns regarding flooding, ecology, and highway access.

“In the absence of an adequate transport assessment the local planning authority cannot be satisfied that access arrangements associated with the development, given the volume and type of vehicular activity generated by the proposed uses, can be satisfactorily accommodated by the highway network,” the council said in its decision notice.

The council also said the company could not demonstrate that the office block and weighbridges were required to be located within flood zones, and there were no other available locations within the site with a lower risk of flooding.

It was also found that the company failed to demonstrate that the development would "conserve, restore and/or enhance biodiversity".

Residents of Penton Mewsey have also been up in arms against the recycling company for the past 18 months since they believe the 40tonne HGVs moving in and out of the site were causing safety hazards and environmental concerns to members of public.

They had submitted more than 100 letters of objections to the retrospective application.

SEE ALSO: Safety concerns mount as residents battle recycling firm over safety concerns

Penton Mewsey parish council chairman Kevin Briant previously told the Advertiser that the operations of the recycling company had been causing safety concerns for the residents.

"Huge HGVs are driving through our parishes on narrow winding lanes, through our Conservation areas to the detriment of the resident’s wellbeing and damage to our roads and lanes," he said then.

To read the planning application and the order, search with reference number 23/01717/FULLN on Test Valley Borough Council's planning portal.