PLANS have been submitted for up to 40 homes and public open space on arable land in Goodworth Clatford.

Bargate Homes has lodged an application with Test Valley Borough Council for outline planning permission for a housing development in Barrow Hill – next to the village’s recreation ground.

The proposal for the site includes 40 per cent of affordable housing, which will be delivered and managed by Vivid.

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Andover Advertiser: Bargate Homes has lodged plans for up to 40 homes in Goodworth ClatfordMark White, managing director of Bargate Homes, said: “We are pleased to have submitted an outline planning application for this great site in Goodworth Clatford, a picturesque village surrounded by countryside. This is a beautiful area of Hampshire, and we are delighted to be in the position to put forward plans that will provide local families with an opportunity to own an energy efficient new home.

“Our vision for this site is to create a sustainable new community, with access to local facilities, connected walking and cycle routes, multi-functional open space, while delivering additional social, economic and sustainability benefits.”

Bargate Homes has stated that the proposed development will make a ‘significant contribution to the shortage of affordable homes in the locality’.

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A variety of housing options and tenure will be available, to suit a range of households looking to get onto the housing ladder, upgrade to a larger family home, or downsize.

Bargate Homes’ plans for the Goodworth Clatford site have been designed by Mosaic Urban Design and Masterplanning in accordance with the 20-minute neighbourhood concept, set out by the Town and Country Planning Association, which encourages sustainable placemaking. This means that the site is in a sustainable location with employment and education facilities accessible within a 20-minute walk, cycle or drive from the site.

The developer has said the estate will deliver biodiversity benefits including new planting and rewilding of areas across the site, to encourage habitats to develop overtime. Each of the new proposed homes will be built to a high EPC rating, allowing future residents to benefit from a lower carbon footprint and lower energy bills.

To view the application, go to and search 24/01239/OUTN.