Police and Crime Commissioner, Donna Jones, has launched a public consultation to shape her future Police and Crime Plan.

Following re-election in May, Jones aims to gather public opinions to inform her partnership with the Chief Constable over her four-year term.

The Commissioner's role includes considering public concerns and establishing local policing priorities. It is claimed every priority of this new plan will be based on residents' feedback.

Jones achieved all public commitments in her previous plan titled More Police Safer Streets. The survey will run from June 10 to August 19, with results to be revealed in the autumn.

Police and Crime Commissioner Donna Jones said: "As your Commissioner, I represent you and your concerns. My role enables you to have a direct say on policing in your area and holding your police force to account.

"Being re-elected as your Police and Crime Commissioner for a second term is an overwhelming endorsement of the work I’ve delivered to date, specifically the recruitment of 650 additional police officers, bringing back named and contactable Local Bobbies for every community and opening 10 more police stations and front counters. What’s next? That’s up to you.

"Now, I want get started on the next four years. By hearing from you, I can develop policies and initiatives that resonate with the unique needs of where you live.

"Your views will form the bedrock of my new Police and Crime Plan which is why I want to hear from as many people as possible."