ANDOVER Foodbank aims to help struggling families by providing 500 lunch bags this summer break.

Filling the gap left by free school meals during the holidays, the foodbank is seeking donations to tackle a local crisis.

Working directly with schools, the foodbank targets families that could slip into financial difficulty due to the added expense of mid-day meals.

The charity is urging people to donate everyday lunch items such as tinned hotdogs, tuna, pasta, and mayonnaise. Once assembled, volunteers will distribute the lunch bags from their main warehouse.

READ MORE: How you can help Andover Foodbank throughout the year

Volunteers and staff from Andover FoodbankVolunteers and staff from Andover Foodbank (Image: Supplied)

To cultivate generosity and support, local schools plan for a Dress Down day on June 28. Pupils are encouraged to bring food items, and in return, enjoy a non-uniform day.

Andover residents can also show their support by making a contribution to the summer lunch bags at central locations including Tesco and other town centre supermarkets.

The foodbank is also accepting direct donations.

Head of Andover Foodbank, Chloe Roberts, said: "The summer holidays can feel long and challenging. For some families, replacing the calories and nutrition normally provided by school meals can stretch them beyond their limits.

"We will be offering bags of filling, easy to prepare food that will cover a weeks worth of lunches for children in the hope to ease the burden on families. We hope Andover’s residents, businesses and community groups can help us in our mission."

Since its origin in 2006, the Andover Foodbank steadily expands due to the cost of living crisis, feeding around 7,500 residents each year.

This summer, it's stepping up to ensure no child goes hungry during the holiday.