Winton Community Academy has put on Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat, with more than 40 students featuring in the cast.

The students rehearsed for three months and their effort produced an 'all singing and all dancing spectacular show'.

The first performance was held on Wednesday, June 12, with 200 local primary schoolchildren as the audience. The show was met with 'enthusiastic applause'.

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Winton Community Academy's Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour DreamcoatWinton Community Academy's Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat (Image: Winton Community Academy) Another two shows took place on Thursday and Friday. 

A school spokesperson said: "Our students have been working exceptionally hard in rehearsals for the past three months and their hard work and effort has paid off with a show that's packed full of professional level style.

"We are so proud of the students for the commitment and level of professionalism they have displayed not just this week but throughout the whole process."