THE joint master of ceremonies for the 2024 Test Valley Business Awards have been announced.

Andrew Bulpitt, the finance director of Bulpitt Print, will be joined by Dmitrijs Meiksans, director of The Local Marking Company Ltd.

Both are experienced businessmen, with Andrew also being the owner of ABSC Ltd, director of Russell House Management, director of The Gilet Company and Property Investor.

Dmitrijs is also director of Bringing Together Andover CIC and served as the Member of the Youth Parliament for North West Hampshire from 2019 to 2024.

READ MORE: Test Valley Business Awards seeking more excellent candidates

Andrew Bulpitt and Dmitrijs Meiksans will be joint master of ceremonies (Image: Test Valley Business Awards) Katie Brooks, chairman of the Test Valley Business Awards, said she is delighted to have Andrew and Dmitrijs as joint master of ceremonies for the gala dinner in October where the awards will celebrate their 20th-anniversary.

The event will celebrate all the winners and bring the best from Test Valley together in one room.

There isn’t long left to get your nominations in as voting closes on Friday, June 28.

You can apply for multiple categories and nominations can be from companies themselves, customers, families or anyone that thinks they are worthy of an award.

Visit  and fill out the nomination form.