ANDOVER Cycling Festival returns for its fifth year, offering various cycling events in and around the town over a weekend in July.

On Saturday, July 6, a family fun day will be held in Vigo Park with special Fusion Extreme stunt bike shows throughout the afternoon. Afterwards the professionals will be teaching keen riders a few new skills.

There will be a cycling coaching session for youngsters, to learn some basic skills and bike proficiency, finishing with a cycling circuit pedal around a closed circuit within Vigo Park.

Do as many laps as you want to, stop and have a drink halfway, meet new friends and have some cycling fun. There will be medals for all participants.

READ MORE: Hundreds of people at Andover's family-friendly Pride event

There will be several cycling information stands about cycling in and around Andover including information on cycling clubs, E-bike viewing and an opportunity to test one, plus refreshments stalls and some music to create a pleasant and fun afternoon in the park for everyone.

Join CAS to get creative and ‘bling your bike’ using recycled materials. You can bling your bike at home before the event or join the team from 2pm until 4.30pm on the day. Then join the bling parade a 4.30pm to show off your creative skills.

SEE MORE: Andover man begins 240-mile bike ride with a parrot on handlebars in memory of teen

On Sunday, July 7, the cycle road sportive rides take place, starting in the high street, outside the Guildhall. Three ride distances to choose from – an 85-mile ride into the Vale of Pewsey for the keen cyclist, a 50-mile ride (also to the Vale of Pewsey) for the regular cyclist and those new to cycling and want a longer ride.

The popular 15-mile ride for families or those wanting a shorter route that stays local to Andover is returning and explores the picturesque lanes and villages in the surrounding countryside.

The event – organised by Halo Sports in association with Test Valley Borough Council and Hampshire County Council - aims to raise awareness of the cycling opportunities available in Andover – both thorough the lanes and byways close to Andover and the whole cycle network in the town centre.