QUADRUPLE amputee Alex Lewis made a triumphant stop in his hometown, Stockbridge, on Saturday as he continues his incredible 1,000-mile charity mission. 

The Pig to Pig challenge involves a world-first 350-mile row followed by a 650-mile cycle ride, all undertaken to raise money for three charities close to Alex's heart.

Alex began his journey on June 2, rowing a specially adapted boat from The Pig Hotel in Harlyn Bay to The Pig near Dover.

The non-swimmer sat inside his adapted boat, picked up his single oar and rowed, assisted by 20 different volunteer rowers and joined by legendary sailor Sir Robin Knox-Johnston and Olympic gold medal-winning rower James Cracknell.

READ MORE: Quadruple amputee Alex Lewis taking on 1000 mile challenge

Alex Lewis on his way back on a cycle stop to see supportersAlex Lewis on his way back on a cycle stop to see supporters (Image: Newsquest)

Now, he's cycling the route back, stopping at various locations including schools, universities, and businesses.

During the month-long Pig to Pig 2024, Alex and his crew are also spending 30 nights wild camping. 

This challenge is a monumental feat, even for those with full use of their limbs.

Alex is now undertaking a 649 mile cycle ride back to The Pig in Harlyn BayAlex is now undertaking a 649 mile cycle ride back to The Pig in Harlyn Bay (Image: Newsquest)

The inspirational dad, who had all four limbs amputated after contracting Strep A in 2013, has previously kayaked 300km down a South African river, hand cycled through the Simien mountains in Ethiopia and summited its highest mountain, not to mention thrashing a mobility scooter around the Namib desert. 

Alex's determination and grit are truly inspiring as he showcases the possibilities of assistive technology through his foundation, the FLOAT Foundation.

The FLOAT Foundation aims to bring hope to those who rely on assistive technology by supporting its development and implementation worldwide.

Alex Lewis take a break during his epic journeyAlex Lewis take a break during his epic journey (Image: Newsquest)

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Alex is also raising funds for two other charities: Hospitality Action and The Murray Parish Trust.

To donate to Alex's incredible cause, you can visit the link in his bio or visit his Jumblebee fundraising page at jumblebee.co.uk/p2pdonations.

Follow Alex's inspirational journey on Instagram at @alexlewisalff or visit the-alff.com to learn more about the challenge, Alex's sponsors, and the life-changing work of the FLOAT Foundation.