OUR camera club members have been getting up close and personal with their photography subjects this month.

In June, our camera club members were asked to submit photos for the theme 'Close Up'. 

As the weather gets warmer, the Andover Advertiser Camera Club has been making the most of the bright colours and gorgeous creatures emerging for summer. 

It's never easy for us to choose 14 images from all the submissions, but we have picked some highlights to share and have loved seeing all the photographs posted on the Facebook page.

Do you have a stunning photo you would like to share with us? You can post it in the camera club's group once you have joined and you might be lucky enough to see your photograph in the paper, or on our social media pages including Facebook and Instagram. 

It is free and easy for anyone to join the camera club and a great way to share your amazing photos with others. Simply search for Andover Advertiser Camera Club on Facebook and click to join and you will be free to share with others in the group.

In no particular order: 

  1. A four-spotted chaser by Stewart Wilson
  2. Ray Betteridge captured this bee in action
  3. A gorgeous flower by Chloe Andrews
  4. David Willoughby caught this lovely flower on Danebury hill
  5. A busy bee by Julie Joyce
  6. A bird enjoying a little piece of bread by Paul Campbell
  7. Close up the post box topper at Tesco celebrating the 80 anniversary of D-Day by Caroline Bruce
  8. Lovely yellow flowers by Helen Abbott
  9. Jim Blackman got up close with this lovely white flower
  10. A bee enjoying the nectar from a pink flower by Ali Lansley
  11. Ian Crutchley is not afraid of spiders...
  12. Close up of Taskers sign in Anna Valley by David Willoughby
  13. A bee enjoying a gorgeous flower by Den Whatley
  14. Karen Swadling got a lovely close-up of these ducklings at Anton Lakes