THE owners of the land which Andover Town Council had proposed to buy have confirmed that a ‘suitable buyer’ has been identified.

The authority had been progressing with the idea to buy land north of Ox Drove in Picket Piece and would have made it available for community use.

At a meeting of the council on Monday, June 19, the council decided to end the project after Wates Developments and David Wilson Homes Southern said they had identified a buyer.

READ MORE: Picket Piece land purchase 'dead in the water,' says town council

A spokesperson for Wates Developments has now told the Advertiser: “Wates Developments can confirm that it did hold discussions with a number of prospective buyers for a piece of land north of Ox Drove, Picket Piece, Andover.

“Following those discussions, a suitable buyer was identified. Sale of the land is now progressing, with the site meeting all required standards for development.”

The Advertiser has asked for more information about the new buyer.

Earlier this year the town council held public consultations on its idea, with residents in support of the proposal and to seek government funding to buy the land.

The authority then voted to approve the appointment of an independent valuer and requested Wates Developments to confirm its asking price by June 26, but the price was not given.

Town council Town council clerk Gail Foster, town councillor Nick Lodge and councillor Heather Neate (Image: Andover Town Council)

SEE MORE: Town council holding consultation on land purchase

Deputy mayor Cllr Katherine Bird said the council’s decision to end the project was the “saddest vote we've ever taken”.

She told the meeting on June 19: "This would have been a really good opportunity for the developer to show their community side, to show that they are willing to work with community organisations over what was promised to local residents.

"The air turned a little bit blue when I read that they carried on marketing. I'm really cross and really sad that they have chosen to go ahead and sell the land to somebody else when they knew that we were in discussion, moving forward and had a plan."

The land, part of the Locksbridge Park development, in Picket Piece, was initially reserved for a junior sports pitch, but this is no longer required.

Wates Developments and David Wilson Homes Southern, which own the land, sought planning permission for 16 dwellings, which was approved by Test Valley Borough Council in July last year, although no building work has started.