An Andover woman has been given a community order for theft from a clothing store in the town centre and vandalism.

Alona Valuja, 38, of Tintagel Close in Andover, pleaded guilty to charges of damaging a wall to a value under £5,000 at Atholl Court in Andover on October 5, and stealing items to the value of £409.86 from a clothing store on December 1.

She also pleaded guilty to possessing a knife when she damaged the wall at Atholl Court.

READ MORE: Currys in Churchill Retail Park, Andover: Laptops stolen by two men

The theft happened at a clothing store in Churchill Retail Park in New Street.

On Wednesday, June 26 Basingstoke Magistrates’ Court ordered her to undergo rehabilitation activity for 25 days and complete 60 hours of unpaid work within 12 months.

She has also been ordered to pay £114 surcharge.

The court ordered forfeiture and destruction of the knife.