MORE than 200 runners took part in a family trail run in Amport to support the building of a new village hall in the village. 

On Sunday, June 30, families participated in the event held at Haydown Farm and Fox Farm with 1.5km, 5km and 10km races, to raise funds towards the hall's completion.

Plans to build a new and improved village hall in Monxton and Amport were approved in 2020 by Test Valley Borough Council after the old hall, which was built in the 1960s, proved unsuitable for residents.

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(Image: Karin Staines/Haydown Trail Run)

The event organiser, Hannah Pelham, an Amport resident, said: "“This is the first time we have hosted a running event, and we had no idea how popular it would be, so it has been thrilling to see so many sign up and take part.

"We really want to thank the local community for getting behind it. Aside from the money raised, it has been a fun way to bring the community together and to kick off the summer holidays.”

Monxton and Amport village hall committee member, Karin Staines, said that the villages have 'felt the absence of a hall keenly' since the closure of the old village hall.

She added: "Thanks to the efforts of local people and the support of Test Valley Borough Council, our goal of creating a future-proof village asset that will provide services and entertainment locally is within reach.

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(Image: Karin Staines/Haydown Trail Run)

"Since January, we have already raised an incredible £40,000 towards our £80,000 target to complete the village hall and today’s event will bring us even closer.

"Importantly, this demonstrates a collective desire to achieve our goal of opening the doors to the new hall in 2024 and reviving the heart of the community.”

Local businesses also supported the event, with Breach Farm Brewery providing the grounds for the event as well as contributing towards race day t-shirts. Businesses also contributed race bibs, prizes, signage, medals and more.

To donate to the Monxton and Amport Village Hall fund, visit