AS schools in Basingstoke break for summer, Basingstoke Foodbank is encouraging children and parents not to miss out on free food.

The foodbank has asked schools to identify those who will have an increase in need over the holidays and refer them for support.

Families will receive three foodbank parcels for the whole family during the six-week holidays (one a fortnight) which will hopefully reduce financial pressures.

READ MORE: New foodbank and playgroup launched by Hindu societies in Basingstoke

Chair of trustees Phil Thomas said: “When the schools close, free schools meals close too.

“We’re encouraging any families whose children receive free school meals or may struggle to feed their kids through the summer, to contact one of our agencies and get a referral to the foodbank for free food to keep them going.”

In 2023 the foodbank saw a significant increase in need, linked to the families referred for school holiday support, and the same is expected this year.

Any families in this situation should visit the foodbank website:

Alternatively, call 0808 287 7829 for free to speak to Basingstoke Citizens Advice or 0118 981 7567/0808 278 7987 for free to speak to Tadley Citizens advice. The organisations are foodbank referral partners and can issue foodbank vouchers if necessary.