A SUMMER fete at Rothsay Grange Care Home brought together staff, residents, relatives and locals, to enjoy entertainment, stalls and therapy goats.

The event on Saturday, July 20 was held in the home's grounds, welcoming generations to enjoy the day's activities that ranged from a raffle to live performances by Jayne Deer.

Stalls were set up selling a variety of items such as hand-knitted gifts, silver jewellery and cards alongside visits from the therapeutic Three Bees goat project.

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The summer fete brought together staff, residents, relatives and locals (Image: Supplied) Rothsay Grange staff ensured every one felt welcome and well catered to, preparing a hearty barbecue.

There was much delight in seeing different generations interact and have fun, underpinning the event with a palpable sense of warmth and community.

The day's weather, dry and pleasant, added to the festive spirit. The event was praised for its organisation, testament to the hard work staff had put into not just executing the activities but also mobilising and uniting everyone.

Seva Hashimova, general manager at the home, said: "Staff at Rothsay Grange are dedicated to making sure that the home is a hub of the local community, and this event, along with all their hard work, has definitely paid off. It was a resounding success!"