AN ANDOVER beauty spot has won the Green Flag Award, recognising the quality and value that the green space brings to the community.

Rooksbury Mill Local Nature Reserve, situated just off the A303 and south of Andover town centre, has scooped the prize each year since 2009.

The award is the international quality mark for parks and green spaces and was won by three areas across Test Valley. It was also won by Valley Park and War Memorial Park in Romsey.

READ MORE: Nature reserve in Andover wins prestigious award for another year running

Cllr Terese Swain, Test Valley Borough Council portfolio holder for community, leisure and tourism, said: “We are very proud of our green spaces in Test Valley, and they are well used by our communities.

"These three parks have consistently achieved the coveted Green Flag status for more than 10 years and the news that they have achieved it once again this year is testament to the hard work and dedication of the council teams and volunteers that care for them.”