A WOMAN who murdered an Andover army veteran has been jailed for at least 23 years.

Winter Swan-Miller, 37, stabbed Stuart Maxwell Crocker 27 times at his home in The Signals, New Street, Andover, on June 23, last year. 

Police investigations found that Mr Crocker might have been killed in the early hours of June 23, but was only discovered five days later when a neighbour phoned 999 concerned for his welfare.

After the killing Swan-Miller covered the body and put a fan near it to avoid quick decomposition and then went on a run before she was arrested a week later.

A jury took 10 hours to reach a guilty verdict, which was delivered on Monday, August 5, following a 12-week trial at Winchester Crown Court. 

On Tuesday, August 6, Swan-Miller was sentenced at the same court. 

Stuart CrockerStuart Crocker (Image: Hampshire Constabulary and Newsquest)

Sentencing her, Judge Angela Morris said the killing of Mr Crocker was 'orchestrated in a forceful way'.

The judge said: “Your action remains merciless and remorseless.

“There are a number of aggravating factors in your case. These include: you administered 27 separate stab wounds; you were heavily intoxicated with drugs at the time; you had fixation that Mr Crocker was responsible for your dog escaping from the flat; that Mr Crocker was defenceless; you concealed your actions by covering his body to avoid decomposition; you got rid of the knife knowing that it would never be found; you bragged about killing Mr Crocker; you made derogatory remarks of Mr Crocker long before his body was found; you left notes at the scene with limited explanation of your actions; and you used his debit card to purchase more illicit drugs.”

Winter Swan-MillerWinter Swan-Miller (Image: Hampshire Constabulary)

The jury also found Swan-Miller guilty of using Mr Crocker's debit card to withdraw money while she was in Walsall.

Swan-Miller has been in prison since her arrest in June 2023. Since she has served 399 days in prison, this will be reduced from her 23-year sentence.

She was also given an eight-month sentence for the fraud charges, which she has to serve concurrently.

This means she will be given parole only after 21 years and 331 days.

"The parole board will then decide whether you can leave custody at that time,” the judge said.

"If you are refused parole, you will continue to remain in custody. You will also be on licence for the rest of your life."

The family and friends of Mr Crocker were present in the court to listen to the sentencing.

Ahead of the judge's remarks, Mr Crocker's step-daughter Alicia Crocker read out a witness impact statement, while a statement from son Joseph Kingswell was also read out. 

Edward Jones, of Lancaster Avenue, Walsall, was a co-defendant in the case for allegedly providing accommodation and social media access for Swan-Miller for one week from June 23, 2023, but the jury found him not guilty of the charge against him.

He was also found not guilty of using Mr Crocker's debit card to withdraw money during Swan-Miller's stay with him.