ANOTHER academic school year is complete and the summer holidays are in full swing. The summer holidays can be a hectic time full of expectations, so it’s important to allow yourself some time among the chaos to decompress. For some this may mean rest and relaxation. Others may reset by doing something they love. Recharge and recovery is important and this is because it’s harder to build healthier habits when you’re feeling stressed.

A regular routine is great for your wellbeing. Supporting balance and structure in your day. This will also support an easier transition back into school mode when September arrives. Try building daily consistency, this may be a cup of tea at 11am or a daily afternoon stroll. It’s the small things we do that can often lift us the most.

As you may be aware, physical and mental wellbeing are often linked. Meaning, doing something active can be a great way to boost your mental health, and going outside into green space can have huge benefits. You may consider walking or cycling instead of going out in the car.

A digital detox is also a great way to support wellbeing. We know phones are great for keeping in touch with your friends and finding out what’s going on in the world. But, this can also add to social and image pressures making it difficult to switch off. So, a digital detox where you can aim to reduce your personal screen time may really boost your personal wellbeing. This doesn’t need to be drastic! It can be as simple as sleeping with your phone downstairs instead of on your bedside table.

Finally, we have lots of different relationships in our lives, but there will be times when we don’t agree. Whether it’s friends or family, good communication can help you navigate difficult situations. The more you can describe your thoughts and feelings, the easier it will be for others to see your point of view.

We are often told to be kind to each other, but sometimes we forget to be kind to ourselves. You won’t always get it right, and that’s ok. Everyone’s success will look different, so try not to compare yourself to others. Remember to celebrate your journey. Small steps create big smiles.