A VISIT to Gaza and private donations were among the items declared by Andover MP in the latest register of members' financial interests.

This was revealed in the recently published register of members' financial interests for North West Hampshire MP Kit Malthouse.

He was re-elected for a fourth term in July with a majority of 3,288 votes. 

The register lists donations the MP has received in his official capacity. 

READ MORE: First words Kit Malthouse said after being re-elected​

Among the donations, Lord Michael Hintze contributed £2,500 to Mr Malthouse's association fighting fund, while Yelspa Ltd provided a £5,000 donation to the same fund.

In addition to these donations, Mr Malthouse also disclosed a visit outside the UK, funded by Yachad, a UK-based charity.

The trip, which took place from February 14 to 18, 2024, included visits to Gaza.

He declared that the purpose of the visit was to meet victims of violence and engage with various individuals and organisations to better understand the steps needed to achieve a two-state solution and respond to the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

The estimated value of the flights, accommodation, and hospitality provided for this visit was £2,438.

Mr Malthouse also holds over 15 per cent of the issued share capital in County Finance Group Ltd, a company involved in the provision of equipment finance.