A CHANDLER'S Ford man has been banned from the road for drug driving.

Ashwani Kumar, 59, of Hiltingbury Road, was driving a 23-reg Citroen when stopped by officers on the B3048 at Longparish on March 21, a court heard.

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Kerry Richardson, prosecuting, told Basingstoke Magistrates' Court that Kumar had 191 micrograms of cocaine-breakdown product Benzoylecgonine, in his blood. The legal limit is 50mg, meaning he was nearly four times the legal limit.

Kumar admitted the charge. He was disqualified from driving for 12 months and fined £440. Magistrates ordered him to £85 costs and a victim surcharge of £176.

The penalties must be paid off in six monthly instalments, at a rate of £116.83 starting from September 30.