A total of 57,000 places were made available for Hampshire’s children to enjoy school holiday programmes – and make sure they have a nutritional meal – to support families with financial difficulties.

The Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme is an initiative to provide free places at holiday clubs during the summer, Easter, and Christmas holiday periods to children in the Hampshire local authority area who receive benefits-related free school meals.

The fun and educational activity sessions are for vulnerable children and young people from reception to Year 11, and each child with a HAF code has free access to around 150 holiday schemes across Hampshire during the holidays.

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The county council confirmed that about 10,000 children have attended the HAF scheme each year since the programme began three years ago and that nearly 57,000 places were made available this summer. Individual children can attend up to 16 sessions each.

According to Hampshire County Council, the total HAF funding for the 2024/25 financial year is £3,530,740, which covers the Easter, summer and Christmas holidays in 2024. Of this, £1,996,111 was allocated specifically to the summer provision.

Cllr Steve Forster, Hampshire County Council’s cabinet member for education, said that these programmes offer “enormous” help for families in difficult financial situations and provide a nutritious meal for their children.

He continued: “Holiday Activities and Food schemes can be of enormous help to children from families facing financial difficulties.

“School holidays can be challenging because of the added expense of food and childcare, as well as reduced incomes. This means some children are less likely to access organised out-of-school activities and can miss out on the social and health benefits.

“By taking part in a free holiday club where a nutritious meal is provided, vulnerable children and those in need also have the opportunity for the same rich experiences as many of their friends and peers.”