Fire Fire! Toddlers at Andover Nursery School join fire crews to celebrate Emergency Service Day

Hoses were unravelled and fire engines inspected as youngsters at the Busy Bees Picket Twenty Nursery School in Andover, learned about the Fire Service and how to prevent blazes.

Children dressed up as firemen and used the hoses and were allowed to sit in the fire engine. Alex Kearney is the baby room leader and said:  “The children have loved celebrating our emergency services this week and learning about who to call if they’re  in trouble.

"The children couldn't believe we had a real life fire engine at nursery and it was very lovely to see their faces light up when they were allowed to sit within the engine and dress like real firemen.”

(Image: Andover Picket Twenty Centre)

Busy Bees organised a range of activities last week to mark Emergency Services Day on 9th September (also known as 999 Day) which is supported by HM The King, HRH The Prince of Wales, the Prime Minister and First Ministers of Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Staff wanted to promote the work of the emergency services while teaching basic lifesaving skills.

Firefighters from Andover toured each of the four classrooms, explaining fire safety measures. Staff say the children loved learning about the emergency services and what to do in the event of an urgent situation.

Afterwards the children gave the event a big thumbs up, saying: “We loved seeing the fire engine and using the big long hosepipe!”