Locals have voiced dismay and anger over the latest burglary at Morrisons Daily in Kingsway Gardens near King Arthurs Way. 

The shop was targeted by thieves during the early hours of Saturday morning (September 14th) when a quantity of cigarettes were stolen. 

According to residents, the shop was targeted three months ago and three times in one week earlier this year. 

A member of staff who didn't want to be named, said: "It's getting ridiculous, the insurance company might stop paying out. I dread to think what would happen then. A lot of our customers work night shifts, and Mums on the school run often pop in, it's such a nice community shop." 

Peter Horsnell, 76, loves in Tintagel Close and said: "It's bad enough with the pub closed, these thieves are ruining people's lives, we'd be devastated if it had to close because of this mindless vandalism."

(Image: Caroline Simpson)

Valerie Swanborough, 78, has lived in Camelot Close for 25 years: "It's stupid, what have they got to gain? It makes me furious."

(Image: Caroline Simpson)

Mother Skylar Kingswell, 27, has two children aged three and five years old who attend Knights Enham Infant school and pre-school.

She said: "It's a real slap in the face for the staff who work very diligently and try to keep everyone happy."

(Image: Caroline Simpson)

Officers are investigating the incident and appealing to the public for any information that may assist in identifying those responsible.