Andover photographer, Mati Granica, 20 is celebrating after an atmospheric picture he took of his hometown was selected for a leading gallery near Buckingham Palace.

The image of Andover, taken at dusk was submitted to the Mall Galleries for an exhibition on landscapes by Mati a couple of months ago.

“It came completely out of nowhere, I just randomly checked my email and saw a message with the subject ‘invitation to exhibit at the Mall Galleries” he explained. “I genuinely couldn’t believe it. I’d seen articles about the exhibition and knew how prestigious it was, so it was a huge honour to be included.”

The exhibition earlier this month, featured landscapes, nature, and cityscapes from artists across the UK and was organised by the company Light and Land, founded by British landscape photographer Charlie Waite.

Mati said he felt incredibly proud: “I’ll never forget the feeling of hanging up my image and then stepping out onto the Mall, with Buckingham Palace literally down the road. Being surrounded by such a talented group of photographers and being mentioned in the same sentence as them was a real privilege.”

Mati’s photograph, ‘The Ghost of the Town, had previously received critical acclaim when he submitted it for the UK Landscape Photographer of the Year competition last year. But he said the London exhibition was by far his best achievement:

“It was such a proud feeling watching people talk about my work. It meant even more that it was such a personal image - a photo of my dad taken in my hometown was being seen by hundreds of people in central London!”

Inspired by his photography teacher at Winton Community Academy in Andover, Mati is currently studying photography at the University of Arts in London and is concentrating on his graduation exhibition, which will combine photography with film and virtual environments to create a ‘sensory multimedia experience.’

Mati said: “I’m still very much early in my career and hoping to keep the momentum going.”

If you’re interested to know more about Mati and his photography go to: