CONCERNS have been raised over the usage of mobile phones in schools with some worried the devices are becoming a distraction.

We wanted to know if Andover schools felt the same way, so we've compiled a list of secondary schools in the town and their policies on mobile phone usage during the school day.

According to guidance issued by the government in February, schools should maintain a policy that 'prohibits the use of mobile phones' to 'minimise disruption' and 'improve behaviour in classrooms'.

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Winton Community Academy

The academy, located in London Road, prohibits the usage of mobile phones through Yondr, a phone pouch that students place their devices into before the pouch is locked and then unlocked at the end of the school day.

The guidance for pupils says that the school's usage of the pouches 'not only prevents disruption to learning but directly has a positive impact on student wellbeing through a reduction in dependency'.

It adds that any phones 'used or not pouched' will be 'confiscated and returned to parents'.

John Hanson Community School

Similarly to Winton Community Academy, John Hanson school introduced Yondr phone pouches in September 2023 to 'limit student phone use'.

The school says the usage of the device allows them to 'retain the facility to unlock the pouches if phones are needed and would benefit the learning of students in a specific lesson'.

It added that the impact of the pouches has stopped students from turning up late to lessons due to phone usage, as well as stopping 'in-school cyberbullying'.

Harrow Way Community School

Students at Harrow Way are the 'responsibility of the student' according to the school's behavioural policy. Pupils should ensure phones remain 'out of sight and switched off during school hours, including break and lunchtime'.

If mobile phones are used during the duration of the school day for 'any reason other than a legitimate educational use' the phone will be 'handed to a member of staff' for pupils to collect at the end of the day.

Smannell Field School

Pupils at this school must secure their mobile phones in a locker which will be 'accessible at the end of the school day'.

The school says there are 'no exceptions to this rule' and all communication to parents and carers during school hours should instead be routed through the school office.

Mark Way School

This secondary school says that it 'recognises that the use of smart technology can have educational benefits' but that it can also bring a 'variety of associated risks'.

Students are not permitted to use mobile phones during the school day, and all pupils 'must store their mobile devices in their bags'. It adds that if students are seen using their phones, they will be 'warned once and if seen again they will be taken'.