AN Andover woman says she’s upset and annoyed at a ban that prevents residents from placing pots of flowers outside their front doors.

Holly Hunter, 33, moved into her flat  living in Rooksbury Mill, Andover 18 months ago and said she enjoys tending to the flower pots outside her home, but has been told by the Aster Group, which maintains the communal areas, to remove them.

Holly told the Advertiser: “I have pots of flowers and a seat I use to sit in the sun with my cat. I've been told by Aster that I must remove everything immediately, including any flowers I have growing, even though I own my flat.

"My flowers are growing in the porch of my property and do not encroach on the communal pathway outside.”

(Image: Holly Hunter)

Holly said she now regrets buying the property, but can’t afford to move: “I love my flat and enjoy looking at the flowers and they’re just outside my front door, so this ban is bizarre. I regret moving here and I’d like to move but I can’t afford to.”

The Aster group which maintains the areas near the properties claim the policy is in line with its health and safety policy.

A spokesperson for the company said they'd been in touch with Ms Hunter, and told the Advertiser: "We have spoken with our customer following safety concerns raised about a large number of items placed outside their home. These items are in the communal area, which could cause an obstruction and fire risk.

”We operate a zero-tolerance approach to items being stored or situated in communal areas. This is for our customers' safety, and is based on advice from Hampshire Fire and Rescue. In case of an emergency, items in these areas could obstruct customers needing to exit their homes or emergency services needing access."

Holly, who works for the emergency services said the policy was heavy-handed and her flower tubs and seat didn’t pose a safety risk.

She said: “It’s an invasion of my privacy, and in my job I’ve responded to emergencies and never had problems with flowers tubs outside people’s houses!”