Two publicans in Andover are celebrating after being listed in this year’s Good Beer Guide, published by the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA)

The Tap at the Lamb Inn, Winchester Street, and The Town Mills, Bridge Street are no strangers to being included in the guide - and both claim their staff are the winners.

Landlord at the Tap, Tim Abram has been manning the pumps for five years and said he was delighted at being selected for inclusion in the 2025 Guide.

He said: “We're especially pleased as this is now the fifth consecutive year. Our team does an exceptional job and it's great that we can celebrate together with the local community. I think the reason for our success is that we offer a unique pub experience in Andover and the surrounding area. 

"We’re not tied in any way to a pub company or Brewery so we can offer the best ales, beers cider and gin from all over the country, but especially from small local producers such as Wessex Spirits.”

(Image: Kimberley Barber)Meanwhile at The Town Mills, the celebrations started last night (Wednesday evening) as staff and customers marked their victory. Landlord Pete Richards said: “There was a round of applause, we’re very pleased to be in the Guide again, you’re really judged by your peers and I think people come here because of the home-cooked food, good beer and friendliness.”

Pete has been managing the pub for 20 years with his wife Pam.

“When we took the pub on we converted it from a nightclub and brought it back to its traditional country pub feel which our customers like. But I think all the accolades should go to our staff, particularly those who look after the beer!”  

CAMRA has been publishing the Good Beer Guide for over 50 years. The definitive guide for beer drinkers lists 4,500 best pubs across the UK. But its authors voiced their concerns for the future: “Independent community-based pubs are few and far between and getting fewer all the time and with such difficult trading conditions, we hope more can weather the storm and continue to provide a warm welcome to locals and visitors alike.”

Tim Abram at The Tap at Lamb Inn agreed:

“We have built a real community here and it's all thanks to our customers because they make it truly special.”