The UK is home to many creepy crawlies, from the common daddy long-legs spider, scientifically known as the Pholcidae, to the Cave spider and the quick-moving Jumping spider.

However, away from the harmless and more common spiders that are often found in homes, there are rare and often scarier spiders for those who have a fear of arachnids.

This includes the false widow spider (Steatoda), one of the UK’s most venomous spiders and has a likeness to the deadly black widow (Latrodectus).

While their name might make you think the false widow is related to the deadly variation, they are relatively harmless according to the National History Museum.

Despite their harmlessness, many Brits are not a fan of species with many going as far to share their sightings on a national map.

A male false widow spider.A male false widow spider. (Image: PA)

Every UK sighting of a false widow spider in the UK

The map, created by iNaturalistUK sees members of the public that spot a false widow share their observations so that scientists can build up their data and research on the species.

You can take a look at the map via the website here.

The map shows that most of the UK’s false widows are often seen within the south of the UK, with only a few spottings across Scotland and the North of England.

The area with the highest recordings is the capital, London with dozens of sightings seen in the last two years alone.

Other areas with high sightings of false widows are the midlands, with Birmingham and Coventry recording some of the most recent sightings of the spider in February of this year.


How to spot a false widow spider?

False widow spiders are fairly easy to spot with a distinctive set of markings across their abdomens that are a “narrow white or lighter band around the front of the abdomen towards their head, and also other markings that vary by species” according to the Natural History Museum.

The museum adds: “Females have a globular shiny abdomen, while male abdomens are smaller and less rounded, but are more clearly marked.

“Their webs are a tangle of criss-cross threads which may become quite dense in the centre if left undisturbed.”