People are being asked to have their say on new walking and cycling plans.

Hampshire County Council is inviting anyone who lives, works, visits or commutes in the northern Test Valley area to share their views on the proposals.

The consultation, which runs until Sunday, November 17, is focused on the draft Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) for the area.

The plan aims to identify areas with the potential for route improvements to make walking and cycling more appealing, encouraging less car use.

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The draft northern Test Valley LCWIP is intended to complement the already adopted southern Test Valley LCWIP of 2022, with the goal of covering the entire borough.

The plan outlines a network of cycle routes and walking zones in areas with the highest potential for increased walking and cycling.

These efforts aim to boost economic prosperity, reduce carbon pollution, promote healthy lifestyles and strengthen communities.

Hampshire County Council has worked with Test Valley Borough Council and key stakeholders to develop the draft LCWIP, which sets out the ambition for investment in walking and cycling in the area over the next 10 years.

Feedback on the proposed routes and areas can be provided via an online survey on the County Council’s website.