PLANS to change the use of agricultural land and create a dog-walking paddock have been submitted to the council.

The application proposes to change the use of an agricultural field opposite Tiebridge Farm, Houghton Road, to a secure dog walking paddock.

If approved, the paddock would be complete with a gated entrance, and hard-standing would be installed.

A habitat management and monitoring plan (HMMP) submitted by South Coast Ecology on behalf of Mr R Morgan-Giles, states that the site is bound to the north by a mature hedgerow, separating the site from agricultural land. To the east lies another hedgerow running parallel to the road and finally an existing track runs southwest along the edge of the site. The wider area is of a rural nature, consisting of low-density residential development, agricultural land and hedgerow networks.

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The site during the Condition AssessmentThe site during the Condition Assessment (Image: South Coast Ecology)

The field was previously used for barley production but currently consists of modified grassland of "poor condition."

Proposals will incorporate planting stretches of native hedgerow and scattered individual rural trees - 23 small native trees will be planted across the site. Oak, Willow, Beech, Ash, Elm, Birch, Hawthorn, Holly, Elder, Hazel and Rowan provide fruit for small mammals and birds, will attract invertebrates and as they mature the trees have potential to support roosting bats.

The report concludes that "the proposal has the opportunity to enhance the site in terms of floral diversity and in turn increase opportunities for legally protected and notable species.

The application can be found by visiting and searching: 24/02254/FULLS|Change of agricultural field [Sui Generis] to secure dog walking paddock, with gated entrance, and installation of hard-standing.