ANDOVER Young Carers received nearly £23,000 after Hampshire County Council agreed grants totalling more than £77,000 for projects across the county. The money was agreed by Cllr Patricia Banks, Hampshire County Council's executive member for children and families at her decision day. The largest grant of £22,910 went to the Andover Young Carers project – the largest in the county supporting 49 young people – and will be used to fund a minibus.

The rest of their grant will be used to help fund the attendance of young carers at the annual young carers’ festival. In addition to the grants to young carers groups a grant of £6,000 has been approved for the Children’s Society to enable it to provide useful information and support to a variety of other voluntary groups, which help identify and support young carers and their families. Mrs Banks said: “I am very happy to award these grants to the various groups which support young carers across the county.”