A cross-section of students displayed an abundance of courage, confidence and competence when they took to the stage and gave voice to some powerful arguments.

A number of schools mustered teams to take part in the annual Youth Speaks, organised by the Rotary Club of Andover as a regional heat of the schools and colleges public speaking competition.

Harrow Way School was again the setting for a display of formal etiquette and incisive presentations which ranged from amusing to inspiring and sometimes both!

All subjects were presented with enthusiasm and a conviction born of many hours of research.

This year’s event attracted eight teams from across the Intermediate and Senior sectors.

The teams from Rookwood, John Hanson and Harrow Way schools gave the judges a difficult task as the competition produced a stimulating and enjoyable evening for a packed audience Subjects ranged from the portrayal of teenagers to pampered prisoners, with oodles of comment on social responsibility and media spin along the way and urged the audience to think about teenagers rather than judging them purely on what clothes they wear.

In the Intermediate section Harrow Way C team started the evening and chose to hit back at the bad press received by teenagers, outlining how upset they were at the general misrepresentations.

John Hanson’s team looked at Rights, Respect and Responsibilities and the confusion between hoodies and goodies. Their argument was that the majority of young people are responsible citizens who contribute to society but still want to have fun.

Harrow Way A team hoped the 2012 Olympics would inspire people to take up sports.

Rookwood School’s subject of Burger or Bust was a well researched outline on the hazards and potential cost of fast foods and obesity, and the shining example set by the likes of Jamie Oliver.

Harrow Way’s B team rounded off the Intermediate section with a superb insight into Idolising Celebrities by Daniel Falcone who completed his well structured presentation entirely without notes.

In the Senior Section the John Hanson team subject was Don’t Hit Kids, and they set out to convince their audience that it’s vital to show respect to children and teach them to respect themselves, and that self respect leads to respect for others.

Rookwood’s B team picked up the gauntlet of Measles Malaise and the consequences of parents’ failure to allow the MMR jab for their children. Chloe Gardiner’s animated presentation was well documented and gripping, with graphic details of the consequences and possible results of measles.

An entertaining and uplifting evening was wound up by the Rookwood A team with speaker Amber Broadhead using a mix of humour and a nice turn of phrase to outline life in an open prison for Pampered Prisoners which resembled reward rather than punishment.

This year’s judging panel consisted of Test Valley Mayor Cllr Brian Page, Andover Advertiser editor Joe Scicluna and Rotary Club president Gordon Howard, who had the tough task of selecting the winners, but Rookwood teams eventually did the double by the closest of margins.

Timekeeper was John Ray, audience questions were put by John Gent and John Cooper and the evening was compered by John Barlow.

RESULTS INTERMEDIATE SECTION: Winning team – Rookwood Best speaker – Daniel Falcone (Harrow Way B) Best chairperson – Alice Foynes (Rookwood) Best proposer – Jamie Walsh (John Hanson) SENIOR SECTION: Winning team – Rookwood A Best speaker – Amber Broadhead (Rookwood) Best chairperson – Hilary Corden (Rookwood) Best proposer – Rebecca East (Rookwood)