MAY I add my voice to that of Bren Wilfort (4 October) over why we in Andover are charged more for fuel than in surrounding towns.

Routinely I purchase fuel in Salisbury for between 2 and 4 pence per litre less than in Andover and, from time to time, I have achieved similar savings in Winchester.

Last weekend (5/6 October 2013) in Chesterfield, Derbyshire, Tesco was, without any form of discount or special deal, selling unleaded petrol at a pump price of 129.9 pence per litre and normal diesel at 136.9 pence per litre.

In Andover the same weekend Tesco was charging 133.9 pence per litre for unleaded petrol and 140.9 pence per litre for normal diesel. How can this be justified? Why should we in Andover pay higher prices?

So, let us have a permanent fair fuel price for Andover; or rather why cannot Tesco have a national price for fuel and charge Andover the same as Salisbury, Winchester, Chesterfield etc?

Other major supermarkets, who sadly do not have a petrol station in the town, manage to do so.M G A Drage, Monxton.