THE next meeting of the Andover Councillor’s Forum will take place at 7pm on Monday 19 January in the Council Chamber, Guildhall, High Street, Andover.

Agendas and minutes are available on the council’s website at The meeting will give residents the opportunity to ask questions of their elected borough councillors and the police. If residents require a more detailed answer on a specific question then please notify Mrs C Lovelock, tel 01264 368014; fax 01264 368099; e-mail so that the question may be answered fully at the meeting.

At this Forum meeting, Phillip Mills from the Protecting Older People (POP) team at Hampshire Trading Standards is due to be attending to talk about dangers associated with uninvited doorstep sellers.

The effect of doorstop crime can be devastating and often results in a loss of confidence and a feeling of fear.

Phillip Mills will highlight the importance of identifying the different types of doorstep sellers in order to deter them as effectively as possible.

I look forward to seeing as many residents as possible at what will be a very interesting and informative talk.

This is an opportunity for residents to tell their elected borough councillors of their concerns, take part in debates, express their views and find out what action has been taken on recent matters raised.

I am very keen to increase the number of residents who attend and would encourage anyone who lives in the area to come along and have their say.

Councillor Carl Borg-Neal, Chairman, Andover Councillors’ Forum.