E-scooters around Andover have become a menace and the police don't seem to be doing anything about them. 

Privately owned ones are illegal to use on public roads/paths.

I've seen young teenagers zooming through town on them. Two up in some cases.

(Image: Archives) I told a young man off for riding the wrong way up Bridge Street toward an upcoming car. He just circled round, came up behind me and asked me what my problem was. I said for one, they are illegal, and two you are riding up a one way street the wrong way. I felt very intimidated by him as he had a scarf over his face and towered above me on his e-scooter.

I did go to the police station to report the incident but they were busy so I just went back to work feeling angry and shaken up.

I put a post on Facebook regarding e-scooters and got a lot of people complaining about them and saying that they are dangerous. One gentleman said he got knocked over by one.

In Redditch there had been a crackdown on them. I was reading an article in the Hereford and Worcester news, dated October 2, 2023. Loads of e-scooters were confiscated and people were fined. You can also get points on your licence if caught riding one.

Either people don't know they are illegal or they just don't care. It really infuriates me to see them riding around round. 

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